Creating Conscious Relationships with...
Be present, loving & accepting of all aspects of yourself. Overcome fear and doubt. Strengthen your trust in yourself. Let go of rejecting parts or aspects of yourself.
Balance & unite your feminine & masculine energies within.
Your Body
Create a healthy relationship with your physical body. Release self criticism, judgement & shame, Dis-connect from societal expectations, judgement toward your self-image, self loathing, blame & guilt and what others think of you. Find your perfect weight and understand what gets in the way.
Love and accept your body.
Your Inner Guidance
Connect with and listen to your heart. Trust your intuition and allow your intuition to guide you.
Then take inspired action.
Your Wealth & Abundance
Create a healthy relationship with money and success. Release perceived 'glass ceilings' on your income, lack or poverty consciousness, limitations on worthiness or self value.
Your Partner
Create healthy, authentic and intimate relationships. Release shame, guilt, blame and projections. Take responsibility for your own needs.
Embrace and celebrate your sensuality and sexuality. Cut cords with past partners.
Create open and honest relationships with others, friends and families. Release grudges, anger, frustration, resentment, regrets and unforgiveness. Recognise & respect we are all on our own individual journey. Move from past problems to becoming present to new opportunities.
The World
Create peace within yourself.
Value the beauty of humanity, life and the world as a whole.
Connect with others through focusing on similarities rather than differences.

"We are in an age of returning to who we were
before the world told us who we should be."
Danielle LaPorte